To mark the 150th birth anniversary of Lakshminath Bezboruah a project is underway to translate 'O mor aponar desh' into other languages. Here is our contribution to the project. Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome. For more details look in the Facebook site 'O mor aponar desh' where many translations are already available. It would be great to have translations in as many languages as possible -- please help if you can.
English German
O my dear own land O mein eigenes Land
O my beautiful land O mein liebliches Land
so harmonious so eine Harmonie
so bounteous so eine Fruchtbarkeit
such a beloved land so ein geliebtes Land
O my melodic tongue So melodisch dein Klang
Oxom’s soft pleasing tongue Oxoms wohltuender Klang
Nowhere can you find Nirgends auf der Welt
’nother that’s better Gibt es ‘twas Besseres
no matter how hard you try Wo immer Du auch suchst
O the land of my birth O Land meiner Geburt
O my mother Oxom O meine Mutter Oxom
Let me see once more Lass mich noch einmal
your sweet face again Dein Gesicht sehen
my heart still longs for more Mein Herz sehnt sich nach Dir
Nice post. I was waiting for that German translation and I was glad that I have found it in here.Thanks for sharing.I could say that translators really play a big role in our society.I can't see machines taking over the jobs of human translators in the near future, as they have done with so many other professions.A lost in translation or any translation should not hinder us to know exactly about one's history and culture.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Translation is a very difficult job and translating lyrics even more so. I am very happy that some people at least take translators seriously.