Monday, 31 January 2022

Pampered sons of besotted parents

Three small vignettes showing how excessive parental love for sons can sometimes lead to absurd situations and do the boys more harm than good. Small wonder then that our daughters grow are far better equipped to face life than our spoilt and pampered sons. It is hard to understand why parents get so completely blinded with love for their sons, when one only needs to look around to see that girls are doing as well, if not better, and most often than not, it is the daughter, and not the son, who takes care of her parents in their old age.


Saturday, 8 January 2022

It is all about taking ownership

The more I think about it the more it becomes clear to me that the basic reason why many public or community amenities and facilities that are started with great fanfare do not take very long before they stop functioning or fall into neglect and disrepair is because we, as individuals who are in charge of that amenity or generally as a community where the asset is located, do not take pride, responsibility and ownership of the assets.