Friday, 22 October 2021
The burden of knowing
Trees or how we shall all perish
When Stephan was buried under the ground it hurt whenever I saw rain or snow fall on his grave… it must be so bitterly cold outside there in the winter. But he has to take it all, he cannot complain, he cannot ask for a warm winter mantel. Same when the sun beats down on him in the summer. He cannot decide to move away to the shade; he cannot take refuge under an umbrella. Like the trees, he too, cannot run away. But unlike the trees, he cannot even try. It is already too late for him. It breaks my heart.
But are we not all turning into trees? Like the trees, soon we shall no longer be able to run away from the big disaster that is upon us. Soon there will be no place left for us to shelter in, there will be no place left for us to hide; looking at it differently, no matter where we hide, we shall be found out, and we shall have to face whatever befalls us. It could be a tiny invisible virus that might just wipe us out in one fell almost did! If not, the furnace that our planet is slowly turning into will surely scorch us; if it doesn’t then the unstoppable waters from the melting glaciers will take us with them… Like the trees, we, or at least some of us, will perhaps try for a while, to find ways to survive, by trying to stay away from the virus, the heat and the floods, but soon our planet will be too small for us; soon there will be no place to seek refuge in, for nowhere else on our planet earth will be better. We shall have to stay on this planet and take what comes our way; we shall try to survive as long as we can like the trees do, before all of us turn into Stephan.