Sunday, 19 July 2020

When life itself is on the line

In these corona-infested times, besides the gloom and the nervousness, there have been some incidents that have been uplifting -- stories of courage and exceptional kindness, stories where one has put one's own life at risk to save others. And there have been others that have forced one to stop, take a step back and ponder about the deeper meaning of our existence and about why we live and how we die.

Who can forget that young Mumbai hospital doctor who took off his PPE kit and risked getting infected in order to try to revive a dying corona patient.


Monday, 13 July 2020

Not about his poetry

He had surprised us all when he said, ‘I don’t care too much about poetry. What I care most about is human relationships.’

This photo is from 10th April 2023
When asked why he wrote poetry then, he told us, ‘I write because I have to, but the emotions do not go away. They stay, choking the throat, dimming the vision, making the voice tremble.’